Technology » Data Processing

Data Processing

Argo Community High School Data Management


At Argo Community High School, our Data Systems Manager and PowerSchool Operator collaboratively ensure the efficient and accurate management of our data systems, utilizing the PowerSchool Student Information System. Their joint efforts are pivotal in maintaining up-to-date and precise student information systems and ensuring compliance with the reporting requirements mandated by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and other educational technology platforms.


Roles and Responsibilities:


  • PowerSchool Operator: The PowerSchool Operator specializes in maintaining meticulous student records, class scheduling, generating report cards, and managing attendance data within PowerSchool. By working collaboratively with teachers, secretaries, administrators, and parents, the operator guarantees the accuracy and currency of student records. Moreover, the PowerSchool Operator is entrusted with preparing and submitting essential reports to ISBE, focusing on compliance with state regulations and maintaining funding and adherence to state educational standards.
  • Data Systems Manager: The Data Systems Manager oversees the seamless integration of PowerSchool with various educational and administrative data systems, including Clever, Canvas, Mealtime, Follett Destiny, eHallPass, and School Safety - ScholarChip Integration. This manager not only facilitates secure data sharing through Clever integration but also ensures synchronization and accessibility of student information, class schedules, and meal plans within the school's comprehensive data ecosystem.
Commitment to Data Accuracy and Security:


Both roles are committed to upholding the highest standards of data accuracy, security, and accessibility. The implementation of data quality standards and consistent validation checks are executed to maintain reliable data. Regular audits are conducted to rectify any discrepancies, inconsistencies, or potential security vulnerabilities promptly.



Ensuring Compliance and Integration:


Both the Data Systems Manager and PowerSchool Operator play essential roles in ensuring the school's alignment with ISBE reporting requirements and the integration of multiple education technology platforms. They are indispensable in fortifying the accuracy, security, and efficacy of the school’s data management processes, thus enabling a smooth and enriching educational experience for students, parents, and staff.




The Data Management Team
Updated 09/27/2023